PhD, Lect. Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU
PhD, Lect. Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU
Last name: GAFENCU
First name: ANDREI-MIHAI
Faculty: Agriculture
Departament: Plant Science
Address: 3, Mihail Sadoveanu Alee, Iasi, 700490, Romania
Telephone: +40 232 407 526
Fax: +40 232 260 650

PhD, Lect. Andrei-Mihai Gafencu
Scientific papers
Selective list of scientific papers
- Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU, Andreea-Mihaela FLOREA, Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, Eugen ULEA, 2019 – Wheat Rusts: The effect of climatic conditions variability on wheat rusts pathogens, Proceedings of the International Scientific Congress “Life sciences, a challenge for the future”. ISBN 978-88-85813-63-2, pag. 493-498.
- Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU, Andreea-Mihaela FLOREA, Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, Eugen ULEA, 2019 – The relationship between Black point disease and Total Grain Weight (TGW) in some winter wheat (bread
- Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU, Andreea-Mihaela FLOREA, Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, Eugen ULEA, 2019 – Microorganisms associated with Black point disease. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Vol. 62, Nr. 2, Seria Agronomie, pag. 99-102, ISSN 1454-7414.
- Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU, Andreea-Mihaela FLOREA, Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, Eugen ULEA, 2019 – Effect of weather conditions on growth and yield of winter wheat. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Vol. 62, Nr. 2, Seria Agronomie, pag. 73-76, ISSN 1454-7414.
- Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU, Andreea-Mihaela FLOREA, Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, Eugen ULEA, 2018 – Occurrence and frequency of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici) of winter wheat in nord-east of Romania, between 2015-2018, Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Vol. 61, Nr. 2, Seria Agronomie, pag. 41-44, ISSN 1454-7414
- Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU, Andreea-Mihaela FLOREA, Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, Eugen ULEA, 2018 – Impact of climatic conditions on yield and plant diseases of winter wheat in north-eastern Romania. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Vol. 61, Nr. 1, Seria Agronomie, pag. 157-162, ISSN 1454-7414.
- Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU, Andreea-Mihaela FLOREA, Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, Eugen ULEA, 2018 – Black point incidence in some winter wheat varieties cultivated in North-Eastern Romania. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Vol. 61, Nr. 1, Seria Agronomie, pag. 21-24, ISSN 1454-7414.
- Andrei-Mihai GAFENCU, Andreea-Mihaela FLOREA, Florin-Daniel LIPŞA, Eugen ULEA, 2017 – Research on the behavior of some winter wheat cultivars at the attack of pathogens under natural infection condition, in the north-east area of Moldova. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Vol. 60, Nr. 2, Seria Agronomie, pag. 165-170, ISSN 1454-7414.
- Microbiology;
- Plant Pathology;
- Plant Protection.
Research fields
- Pathogens of crop plants;
- Structure and dynamic of soil micro-flora.
Membership of scientific societies/professional associations
- Romanian National Society for Soil Science