PhD, Prof. Florin Daniel LIPŞA
PhD, Prof. Florin Daniel LIPŞA
Last name: LIPȘA
Faculty: Agriculture
Departament: Food Technologies
Address: 3, Mihail Sadoveanu Alee, Iasi, 700490, Romania
Phone: +40 232 407 526
Fax: +40 232 260 650

PhD, Prof. Florin Daniel LIPȘA
CV Europass
Scientific papers
Total number: 146 (28 ISI papers; 105 BDI papers; 13 papers in vol. and international conferences)
Books and university text-books
Author of 10 books/book chapters
Technical books/Manuals (selective, since 2011):
LIPŞA F.D., ULEA E., 2022 – Microbioloy, Ed. Ion Ionescu de la Brad Iaşi,284 pag., ISBN: 978-973-147-464-9.
- LIPŞA F.D., ULEA E., 2018 – Practical manual for food microbiology, Publishing House Ion Ionescu de la Brad, 162 p., ISBN 978-973-147-275-1.
- LIPŞA F.D., ULEA E., Ulea Eugen, 2017 – Food microbiology, Publishing House Ion Ionescu de la Brad, 265 p., ISBN 978-973-147-275-1.
- ULEA E., F.D. LIPŞA, 2012 – Practical guide for microbiology, Publishing House Ion Ionescu de la Brad Iaşi, 150 pag., ISBN: 978-973-147-107-5.
- ULEA E., F.D. LIPŞA, 2011 – Microbiology, Publishing House Ion Ionescu de la Brad Iaşi, 203 pag., ISBN: 978-973-147-091-7.
Research and development projects
Director of 7 research-development grants and member of the research team of other 33 international/national projects. The latest research projects (selective, since 2013):
- “Romania – Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – Survey of Family Farms” (08.04-30.07.2021). Project financed by the World Bank (7200142 / 08.04.2021). Project manager.
- Studies regarding the influence of soil properties and microbial communities on agricultural productivity growth (2017-2018). Project financed by private company. Project manager.
- Assessing diversity and establishing the seasonal dynamics of yeasts from different soil types present in eastern Romania (2013-2015). Project manager.
- Optimizing the practical activities by developing the material base at the Didactic Station of USAMV Iasi (2017). Project manager.
- Use of designed nanomaterials in plant science (2018-2020) – PN III TE 41/2018. Researcher.
- griculture for tomorrow – Ensuring the sustainability of the environment by increasing the competitiveness of organic farming – PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0850 (2018-2020). Researcher.
- Vegetable overlay suitable for improving agroecosystem conditions in intensive apple orchards – Plant Cover. Cod proiect PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0374 (2016-2019). Researcher.
- Elaboration of environment-friendly practices by exploiting the potential of biopesticide and biofertilization of medicinal plants – PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0123 (2017). Researcher.
- ERASMUS+ K2 CONTRACT Nr. 101082963 – CHAIN –
ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2—Cooperation for Holistic Agriculture Innovation Nests in Sub-Saharan Africa (acronim CHAIN), 2023-2026. Project manager - From theoretical-oriented to practical education in agrarian studies (acronim TOPAS) – 585603-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP: 2017-2020. Project manager.
- Lupinus mutabilis for increased biomass from marginal lands and value for BIOrefineries — LIBBIO. Project Horizon 2020 (2016-2020). Researcher.
- From hemp seeds to bast ribbons. ZHAW Switzerland. Contract 1.2.5- 07VL, nr. 5062/2012: 2012-2014.
- General, Food and Soil microbiology;
- Plant protection;
- Fermentation technology.
Research areas
- Isolation and selection of new yeast strains from indigenous flora with superior biotechnological characteristics;
- Assessment of yeast biodiversity in relation to seasonal changes, soil type, land usage and soil management;
- Use of engineered nanomaterials in plant science;
- Ecological reconstruction by micro-remediation processes of soils degraded by mining activities;
- Structure and dynamics of soil microflora following the application of fertilizers and xenobiotics;
- Isolation and identification of micromycetes growing on different plant substrates;
- Influence of soil properties and microbial communities on agricultural productivity
Other attributions and activities at faculty and university level
- Coordinator IAESTE Romania (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) on behalf of the University for Life Sciences “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi (IULS) – since 2008.
- Responsible for the partnership with Justus Liebig University of Giessen (Germany) – since 2012.
- Responsible for the ARACIS Commission in the field of Product Engineering, specialization Processing Technology of agri-food products – since 2015
- Responsible for the ARACIS Commission in the field of Product Engineering, specialization Expertise on the Supply Chain Food Products – from 2015 to 2020.
- Responsible for the ARACIS Commission in the field of Biology – period 2017 – 2020.
- Member of the Council of the Faculty of Agriculture – since 2016.
- Member of IULS Senate – since 2016.
- Member of the Board of the Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Agriculture, IULS – from 2008 to 2016.
- President of the bachelor committee, specialization Consumer and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IULS – since 2020
- Member of the bachelor committee, specialization in Agricultural Products Processing Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, IULS – period 2017-2019
- Member of the bachelor committee, Biology specialization, Faculty of Agriculture, UASVM Iasi – 2016
- Secretary of the bachelor committee, Biology specialization, Faculty of Agriculture, UASVM Iasi – 2011-2015.
Membership of scientific societies/professional associations
- International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)
- European Confederation of Soil Science Societies
- Romanian Mycological Society
- Romanian Association of Food Industry Specialists
- Romanian Horticultural Society
- Romanian National Society for Soil Science
- Romanian Society for Agricultural History and Retrology.