Surgery Clinic
Surgery Clinic
0232 407 309
- Conservative treatment of fractures; application of bandages;
- Otitis externa treatment;
- Sanitization of the oral cavity, dental scaling;
- Surgical interventions on the organs in the abdominal cavity;
- Remedy for umbilical hernia, inguinal;
- Surface surgeries;
- Ophthalmic diseases;
- General inhalation anesthesia;
- Tumor ablations;
- Pet sterilizations;
- Osteosynthesis;
- Uretrostome.
Medical Staff
PhD, Prof. Horia ELEFTERESCU, associate
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Liviu-Catălin BURTAN
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Eusebiu-Viorel ŞINDILAR
PhD, Lect. Stelian CIOBANU
PhD, Assist. Iulian MIHĂILĂ