0232 407.407 rectorat@iuls.ro

Useful information


The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine provides accommodation to all students, since university campus is just a few steps away from the four faculties. Our university has five modern residential halls connected to the Internet, cable TV, equipped with cooking facilities and washing machines. The number of accommodation places available is approximately 2,000.


Students can eat at the cafeteria-restaurant located near the University campus and famous for the products it offers. It was refurbished and modernized in 2008, and it covers an area of approximately 800 square meters having a capacity of 350 seats. Our university’s cafeteria – restaurant has implemented and certified quality systems according to the SR EN ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP) for catering.


The University has the best sport facilities in all university centres of Iasi, including two halls and three sports fields, to which we also add two football fields, a mini soccer field, two artificial tennis courts, a racing track, a floodlighting system, and even a rugby field and sauna. Students can come here every week and play handball, tennis, do karate, body building and athletics.


Computing services

Our university places great importance on the provision of computing facilities, and therefore we are continuously improving and extending our IT network. Many departments have their own PC clusters for use by postgraduate research students. The campus network is permanently being upgraded to ensure it can meet the changing requirements of its students and staff, while all PCs have access to a wide range of software in order to meet the general needs and demands of particular courses.


Facilities for students with special needs

There are wheelchair ramps and handrails at the main entrance, at the back entrance, in the library building and Mechanization building.

Also, there are accessible toilets for the use of the disabled students.


Health and Insurance

Inside the campus there are health care facilities for students.

IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that all students make arrangements for having a health insurance in their own country before coming to Romania in case of a health emergency.

The Student Health Service offers a full range of medical services to students, and it is located within easy reach of the University. All foreign students have access to free medical examinations and hospital treatment. Students must register at the Registration Office of the Students Health Services where, for a token fee, they receive a Health card they need whenever they go to see the doctor. Students can also call on the services of private medical cabinets; the addresses of the cabinets can be found in the telephone directory. Romania has reciprocal health care arrangements with a number of countries.



All students who come to Romania with the Erasmus program MUST apply for a STUDENT VISA at the Romanian Embassy in his or her HOME country BEFORE coming to Romania. In order to apply for a student visa, students will need to receive an acceptance letter from our International Office / to UASMV International Relations Office. This will be issued when the student has sent the required documents to UASVM International Office and has been accepted to our university.


Students’ Union and students activities

Students run the Union. Union policies are decided during General Meetings, which are held during term-time, and to which all students are invited and encouraged to take part. The Union is recognised in the University’s Charter as the students’ corporate body, and student representatives participate to Council meetings, allowing thus each and every student to contribute to the University’s decision-making process. Through an ever-developing range of services, the aim of the Union is to ensure that students’ time is not just about work, but also socialising and personal development. The Union offers a host of leisure activities to satisfy every taste. The Union organises live entertainment events, such as formal balls (the ball organized to officially welcome them), social-cultural events (Carol concert), disco parties, etc.


Grading system

Duration of course unit:
Y = 1 full academic year
1S = 1 semester; 2S = 2 semesters

Description of the institutional grading system:

Insufficient/Failure Sufficient Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent
1-4 5 6 7-8 9 10

ECTS credits:
1 full academic year = 60 credits
1 semester = 30 credits

Academic Year Calendar