About IULS
Brief Historical Presentation
The beginnings of the Moldavian agricultural education go back in time to the first half of the 19th century, namely between 1842 -1848 when the first great Romanian agronomist, Ion Ionescu de la Brad, delivered the first lectures on agriculture at the “Academia Mihaileana” Iasi. Following the insistent approaches of a group of enthusiastic professors, the academic board of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, voted unanimously, on May 2nd 1905, what, later on, the Ministry of Culture and Public Instruction would approve, i.e. the setting up of the Departments of Agricultural Chemistry and Technological Chemistry, within the Faculty of Science.
1912 is considered to be the year of birth of tertiary agricultural education in Iasi. The Law of Tertiary Education, published in the Official Monitor on March 27th, stipulated the establishment of the Agricultural Sciences Department within the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Iasi. Thus, an agricultural school made its debut in Iasi, with modern lectures, grouped in two categories, preparatory and agricultural, supported by an experienced academic staff: Haralamb Vasiliu, Agricola Cardas, Ioan Borcea, Autonom Georgescu, Alexandru Obregia, Ion Constantineanu.
The Great Union of 1918 once again brought together the historic territory of Romanians and increased the economic potential of the so called the ‘Greater Romania’, especially on the agricultural side. In this new socio-economic framework, Professor Agricola Cardas, who was appointed Head of the Agricultural Department from Basarabia, submitted a memorial to the Ministry of Public Instruction, in 1926, in which he asked that the Moldavian tertiary agricultural education be transferred from Iasi to Chisinau, the capital of a region with high agricultural potential.
The Official Monitor nr. 82/April 9th 1933 contained the Law for turning the Section of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Iasi into the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, with its headquarters in Chisinau. The faculty board, represented by Professors Haralamb Vasiliu (Agricultural Chemistry), Agricola Cardas (Animal Husbandry), Nicolae Florov (Agrogeology) and Constantin Motas (Zoology) appointed Professor Haralamb Vasiliu (1933-1936, 1938-1940) as dean. Under the headship of the dean, Professor Agricola Cardas (1936-1938), the new faculty was reorganised and the academic and financial regulations were established.
In 1940 Romania suffered its greatest national tragedy, i.e. the loss of Basarabia, North Bucovina and Herta, North Transylvania and South Dobrogea, equivalent of more than a third of the national territory. In this totally new political climate, originating in the abusive annexation of Basarabia by the former Soviet Union, the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Chisinau was dissolved in October 1940 through the Decree-law 3463/15. The academic staff and part of the assets were transferred to Iasi, where, after twelve months of debates and special administrative efforts, the Faculty of Agriculture was once again established in accordance with the Law 922/ October, 17th 1941.
The dean, Prof. Neculai Zamfirescu, summoned the majority of the academic staff in Iasi, thus making possible the beginning of a new academic year for the Faculty of Agriculture, reborn from its own ashes, on January 15th 1942. During the harsh times of the Second World War, the faculty experienced enormous administrative difficulties, climaxing in the evacuation at Geoagiu Hunedoara, in September 1944. The most dedicated students and professors, who overcame the hardships of exile, including Prof. Constantin Oescu (1944-1947), resumed lectures on the premises of Aurel Vlaicu High School, on January 15th 1945.
In April 1945, the Faculty returned to Iasi. In 1948, through the Decree of August 3rd and the decision of the Ministry of Education 26237/ October 24th, the reorganisation of the Romanian tertiary education system was initiated, including the agricultural education in the capital and other major cities.
Due to the Higher Education reform from 1948, the Agronomical Institute was set up in Iasi and in 1951 it moved to its present residence in Copou and it functioned having the following organizational structure: the Faculty of Agro-technique, with General Agro-technique Section, the Faculty of Horticulture, with Horticulture and Animal Husbandry sections. In 1956 the name of the establishment became the Agronomical Institute “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, with a duration of studies of five years. On September 11th, 1961, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was set up within the institute.
Beginning with 1962 the sections were transformed into the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Horticulture and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry. Starting with the 1974-1975 academic year the duration of studies was reduced to four years, for the engineering profile. In September 1986, the four faculties of the Institute were united into one, the Faculty of Agronomy, with four specializations: agriculture, horticulture, veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, functioning in this way till January 1990, when the specializations become faculties again.
In 1991 the Agricultural College was set up, with a duration of studies of tree years, having the following specializations: Landscape Gardening, Hygiene and Veterinary Laboratory, Viticulture-Pomiculture and Wine Technology and in 1992, Small Animal Husbandry section was founded. The same year, the section of Mountainous Agriculture and Agrotourism were set-up, belonging to the Faculty of Agriculture.
In the 1992-1993 academic year the name of the Institute became “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Agronomic University and later, in 1996, it changed to “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine.
In 2021 the name of the university changed again and became “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS), remaining as such up to the present day.