PhD, Prof. Vasile VÎNTU
Last name: VÎNTU
First name: VASILE
Birth date: 28 December 1957
Faculty: Agriculture
Departament: Plant Science
Address: 3, Mihail Sadoveanu Alee, Iasi, 700490, Romania
Telephone: +40 232 407 459
Fax: +40 232 407 399
PhD, Prof. Vasile VÎNTU
President of the Senate, IULS
- Pasturelands and fodder plants culture;
- Ecology and environment protection.
- Grasslands and forages cultures;
- Ecology and environment protection;
- Evaluation and conservation of the forages.
Main research directions
- Increasing the efficiency and the permanent pasturelands quality through organic, mineral and combined fertilization;
- Improving the degraded permanent pasturelands through overseeding and radical rebuilding;
- The role of the technological factors over the conversion rate of the solar energy indo the accumulated greengrass, under ecological balance preservation in the praticole ecosystems;
- The influence of various agricultural systems over the crops and environment quality;
- Possibilities of improving the nutrition state of the soil and of decreasing the erosion on slopes through temporary pasturelands;
- Improving the technologies of temporary pasturelands establishing;
- Improving the technologies of annual and perennial fodder plants culture in Moldavian forest steppe;
- The effect of fertilization over the main characteristics of the soil;
- Checking some new pastureland graminee and leguminous plant types in the conditions from the Moldavian forest steppe;
- The role of variated fertilization and climatic factor interference over the biodiversity and the efficiency in the praticole ecosystems from the Moldavian Central Plateau;
- The influence of the human factor over some parameters of energetical and nutritional value of the fodder from the permanent and temporary pasturelands;
- Researches regarding the pasturelands efficiency in different using modes.
Representative scientific papers
1. Vîntu Vasile, T. Iacob, N. Dumitrescu, C. Samuil and A. Trofin, 2003 – The rehabilitation of the degraded rangelands from Romania.s hilly zone by the radical recovery of the vegetation cover. Proceedings of the VII-th International Rangelands Congress, Durban, South Africa. ISBN: 0-958-45348-9.
2. Vîntu Vasile, I. Avarvarei, T. Iacob, N. Dumitrescu and C. Samuil, 2003 – Improvement of the degraded rangelands of the romanian forest steppe by organic and mineral fertilization. Proceedings of the VII-th International Rangelands Congress, Durban, South Africa. ISBN: 0-958-45348-9.
3. Vîntu Vasile, 2002 – The improvement of the permanent meadow – a way to equilibrate the feeding balance. USAMV Proceeding, Agriculture serie, vol. 45, Iasi.
4. Vîntu Vasile, A. Ionel, Samuil C., Iacob T., Saghin Gh., 2001 – Improving the degraded permanent pasturelands in the Moldavian Forest Steppe through Measure of the biological agriculture. USAMV Proceeding, Agriculture serie, vol. 44, Iasi.
5. Vîntu Vasile, A. Ionel, C. Samuil, T. Iacob, Alina Trofin, 2001 – Influence of the Vinasse Subproduction the Productivity of Permanent Grasslands in the Moldavian Central Plateau. Agricultural Researches in Moldavia, vol. 3-4, Iasi.
6. Vîntu Vasile, Dumitrescu N., Iacob T., Samuil C., 1999 – The role of the nourishing regime in the increase of photomaps of the permanent pasturelands in the Moldavian Central Plateau. USAMV Proceeding, Agriculture serie, vol. 42, Iasi.
7. Vîntu Vasile, 1996 – Phytocenotic and edaphic modifications in the grassland ecosystems from Moldova forest steppe. Agricultural Researches in Moldavia, vol. 3-4, Iasi.
8. Vîntu Vasile, Iacob T., Dumitrescu N., Samuil C., 1996 – Contributions in determining the perennial herbs mixture for establishing temporary pasturelands, used for animals, in the inferior Jijia and Bahlui Valley. Agricultural Researches in Moldavia, vol. 1-2, Iasi.
9. Vîntu Vasile, 1996 – The effect of mineral fertilization over the main characteristics of the Festuca valesiaca L. pastureland soil. USAMV Proceeding, Agriculture serie, vol.39, Iasi.
10. Vîntu Vasile, N. Dumitrescu, T. Iacob, C. Samuil, 1997 – Organic fertilization – an efficient method to increase the permanent pasturelands efficiency. USAMV Proceeding, Agriculture serie, vol. 40, Iasi.
11. Dumitrescu N., Iacob T., Vîntu Vasile, Samuil C., 1997 – Possibilities to improve the weak production meadows in the Romanian Forest steppe. Proceedings of the XVIII International Grassland Congress, Winnipeg, Canada.
12. Dumitrescu Nicolae, T. Iacob, Vasile Vîntu, C. Samuil, 1999 – Improved productivity of Romanian silvosteppe rangelands. VI-th International Rangelands Congress Proceedings, vol. 1, Townsville, Australia.
13. Vîntu Vasile, Dumitrescu N., Iacob T., Samuil C., 1998 – Improving the degraded permanent grasslands in the Moldavian Central Plateau through the radical measure. USAMV Proceeding, Agriculture serie, vol. 41, Iasi.
Treatises, Hand-Books
1. Vintu Vasile, 2002 – Possibilities of Improving the Permanent Degraded Grasslands in Jijia-Bahlui Depression. Ed. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania.
2. Vintu Vasile, 2000 – Ecology and Environment Protection. Ed. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania.
3. Schiopu Dan, Vintu Vasile (coord.) and others, 2002 – Ecology and Environment Protection. Ed. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania.
4. Iacob Teodor, Vintu Vasile, Samuil Costel, 1997 – Fodder Plants – Technologies of Culture. Ed. Junimea, Iasi, Romania.
5. Iacob Teodor, Vintu Vasile, Dumitrescu Nicolae, Samuil Costel, 1998 – Improving and the Grasslands Usage. Ed. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania.
6. Ionel Adrian, Vintu Vasile, 1999 – Pasturelands and Fodder Plants Culture – Practical Hand-Book for Students. Ed. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania.
7. Dumitrescu Nicolae, Iacob Teodor, Vintu Vasile, Samuil C. and others, 1999 – Pasturelands Degraded Breeding in the Zone Forest Steppe. Ed. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania.
8. Iacob Teodor, Vintu Vasile, Samuil Costel, 2000 – Production and Conservation Forages Technology. Ed. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, Romania.
Attribute of evaluation expert for the research projects
Expert evaluator AGRAL, CNCSIS.
Member of the following professional societies
1. The Agricultural Engineers Society from Romania
2. The National Society for Soil Science and Environment Protection
3. The Society of Agricultural Retrology
4. The Universitary Foundation for Agricultural Producers Support “Haralamb Vasiliu”
5. Foundation member of I.A.E.R.T. – Rumanian Branch (International Association of Experts in Rural Tourism and Agritourism), association funded in September 2000, in Perugia, Italy
6. Member of the National University Research Council from Romania
7. Expert-evaluativ of the National University Research Council and of AGRAL Research Program.
PhD Advisor
Specialization: Production and storage of forrages.