0232 407.407 rectorat@iuls.ro


ERASMUS+ Programme (2021 – 2027)
Mobility of higher education students and staff (KA131)


Selection for the 2025-2026 Erasmus+ mobilities

Applications (selection files) for the 2025-2026 Erasmus+ mobilities will be submitted from 24 to 28 February to the faculty secretariat.

Please check the faculty notice board for further information related to the selection process.

General Information

Erasmus Charter and Erasmus Policy Statement

Student mobility is an essential part of the Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus plus or Erasmus+ or E+.
The programme implements various European cooperation initiatives in the field of education and training that are promoted and sustained by the EU.

Guide of the Erasmus Student

For foreign students studying at IULS

Applications (selection files) for the 2025-2026 Erasmus+ mobilities will be submitted from 24 to 28 February to the faculty secretariat.

Please check the faculty notice board for further information related to the selection process.

Drafts for the application file

Incoming students


Winter semester ⇒ 15 June

Summer semester ⇒ 15 November


Students nomination by the home university

The sending institution will send an e-mail to the host university (erasmus@iuls.ro) with information about the selected students:
» SM Incoming – Announcement table «



Academic Year Planner


Details about Curriculum and Subjects

Faculty Field of study Specialization Curriculum Duration of studies
Full-time Distance learning
Agriculture Agronomy Agriculture read 4 years 4 years
Montanology read 4 years
Usage of Machines and Equipment
for Agriculture and Food Industry
read 4 years
Engineering and Management
in Agriculture and Rural Development
Engineering and Management
of Agricultural Business
read 4 years 4 years
Food Engineering Technology of Processing Agricultural Products read 4 years
Consumer and Environment Protection read 4 years
Biology Biology read 3 years
Horticulture Horticulture Horticulture read 4 years 4 years
Landscape Design read 4 years
Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering read 4 years
Agricultural Biotechnologies Agricultural Biotechnologies read 4 years
Food and
Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences Animal Sciences read 4 years 4 years
Engineering and Management
in Agriculture and Rural Development
Engineering and Management in Public Food
Service and Agritourism
read 4 years
Food processing engineering Control and Expertise of Food Products read 4 years
Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine (in Romanian) read 6 years
Veterinary Medicine (in English) 6 years

Campus map

IULS Campus Map includes laboratories, lecture theaters, seminar rooms etc.

About partner institutions, fields of study and practical training
List of partner institutions in Erasmus+

List of partner institutions in Erasmus+

Code institution Institution Contact person Period Agreement Further information
A WIEN03 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2022 Agreement Useful info
Erasmus student traineeship offer
B GENT01 Universiteit Gent Solcan Gheorghe 2014-2021 Agreement Useful info
B LIEGE 01 Université de Liège (biologie) Antoanela Patraş 2014-2021 Agreement Information Sheet 2023-2024
B LIEGE 01 Université de Liège (mv) Solcan Gheorghe 2023-2028 Agreement Information Sheet 2023-2024
BG PLOVDIV01 Agricultural University – Plovdiv Samuil Costel 2017-2021 Agreement
BG SOFIA04 University for Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG) (agriculture, forestry and fishery) Samuil Costel 2023-2028 Agreement
BG STARA-Z01 Trakia University Samuil Costel 2021-2029 Agreement
CH DELEMN02 Haute École Du Paysage, D’ingénierie Et D’architecture De Genève Stoleru Vasile 2021-2027 Agreement
CH WINTERT03 ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
NU sunt disponibile mobilităţile
Robu Teodor, Marius Zaharia 2014-2021 Agreement
CY LIMASSO02 Cyprus University of Technology Elena Liliana Chelariu, Bogdan–Vlad Avarvarei 2018-2021 Agreement
CZ BRNO02 Mendelova Univerzita v Brne Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2021 Agreement More useful info
CZ CESKE01 Jihoceská Univerzita v Ceskych Budejovicich Bucur Daniel 2014-2021 Agreement More useful info
D GIESSEN 01 Justus Liebig Universitat Giessen Bucur Daniel, Munteanu Neculai 2014-2021 Agreement Information sheet for exchange students 2022
About visa application and health insurance
Flyer (spring & summer courses 2022/2023)
Information about accommodation for exchange students
D KASSEL01 Universitat Kassel Munteanu Neculai 2014-2021 Agreement
D WIESBAD04 Hochschule Geisenheim University Cotea Valeriu 2017-2023 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
E BARCELO03 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
(UPC – BarcelonaTech)
Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering (EEABB)
Roşca Radu 2021-2027 Agreement More useful info
E CORDOBA01 Universidad Cordoba (agricultură) Chiran Aurel 2021-2027 Agreement – Agreement extension
E CORDOBA01 Universidad Cordoba (mv) Solcan Gheorghe 2021-2027 Agreement Instructions
– Agreement extension
E MADRID05 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2021-2027 Agreement Useful info
Student Mobility Information Sheet
E PAMPLON02 Universidad Pública de Navarra Liviu Irimia 2021-2028 Agreement Useful info
E TENERIF01 Universidad de La Laguna Avarvarei Bogdan 2014-2021 Agreement
E TENERIF01 Universidad de La Laguna (biologie, ştiinţe înrudite) Elena-Liliana Chelariu, Bogdan Avarvarei 2023-2029 Agreement
E TENERIF01 Universidad de La Laguna
(chimie, fizică, ştiinţe ale Pământului)
Elena-Liliana Chelariu, Bogdan Avarvarei 2023-2029 Agreement
E TENERIF01 Universidad de La Laguna (master) Elena-Liliana Chelariu, Bogdan Avarvarei 2019-2021 Agreement
E VALENCI02 Universitat Politècnica de Valencia Boişteanu Paul-Corneliu 2014-2021 Agreement
E VIGO01 Universidade de Vigo Miron Liviu-Dan 2014-2021 Agreement Information sheet 2023-2024
F ALBI05 Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2021 Agreement
F ANGERS01 Université d’Angers (agricultură) Gîlcă Ioan, Pasarin Benone 2014-2021 Agreement More details
F ANGERS01 Université d’Angers (limbi străine) Elena Velescu 2014-2021 Agreement More details
FESIA Consortium
(EI Purpan; ESA Angers; ISA Lille; ISARA Lyon)
Săvuţa Gheorghe 2015-2021 Agreement Students’ Guide
Nominations for Fall semester
Other info
ESA (École Supérieure d’Agricultures Angers Loire) Răzvan-Mihail Radu-Rusu 2023-2029 Agreement
F AVIZE02 Avize Viti Campus Cotea Valeriu 2018-2021 Agreement
F DIJON01 Université de Bourgogne Rotaru Liliana 2014-2021 Agreement More details
Université Lille 1 – Science et Technologies Radu-Rusu Răzvan-Mihail 2016-2021 Agreement Useful info (2022-2023)
Available courses
Deadlines info
ULillGO – a progressive web application designed for all students on mobility at the University of Lille
F LILLE25 École Nationale Superieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille Lucia Draghia 2017-2019 Agreement
F LYON01 Université Claude Bernard Lyon Radu-Rusu Răzvan-Mihail 2022-2027 Agreement
F REIMS01 Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne Reims Chiran Aurel 2014-2021 Agreement
F RENNES09 Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSC de Rennes) Elena Liliana Chelariu, Raluca Maria Hlihor 2017-2021 Agreement More details
Coefficients and ECTS Credits (IIIrd year of the Engineering master degree 2018-2019)
F RETHEL01 Etablissement Public
d’Enseignement Agricole de Rethel
Vlad Nicolae Arsenoaia 2022-2023 Agreement
F TOULOUS15 France Agro3 – Consorţiu cu F LILLE51 şi F LYON17 Răzvan-Mihail Radu-Rusu 2021-2022 Agreement Brochure
Fact Sheet
F VENDOME01 EPLEFPA du Loir et Cher – LEGTA de Vendôme (si Blois) Radu-Rusu Răzvan-Mihai si Pascal Constantin, Stoleru Vasile 2014-2021 Agreement
G ATHINE03 Agricultural University of Athens Cotea V. Valeriu, Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2022-2029 Agreement
G TRIPOLI03 University of Peloponnese (Food science & technology) Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2022-2027 Agreement
University of Peloponnese (Agricultură) Elena Liliana Chelariu, Florin Lipșa 2022-2028 Agreement
G THESSAL01 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Patraş Antoanela, Gîlcă Ioan 2014-2021 Agreement More details
G VOLOS01 University of Thessaly Solcan Gheorghe 2022-2029 Agreement
HR KNIN01 Veleucilište “Marko Marulic” u Kninu Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2021 Agreement
HR KRIZEVC01 Križevci College of Agriculture Răzvan Radu-Rusu 2020-2024 Agreement
HR OSIJEK01 Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek – UNIOS Elena Liliana Chelariu, Bogdan–Vlad Avarvarei 2017-2021 Agreement
HU NYIREGY04 University of Nyiregyháza Elena Liliana Chelariu 2022-2027 Agreement Nominations for Fall semester
Erasmus+ Complete Guide
I ANCONA01 Università Politecnica delle Marche Săvuţa Gheorghe 2017-2021 Agreement Brochure
Erasmus Factsheet
More details
I BARI 01 Università degli Studi di Bari (agricultură) Chiran Aurel 2023-2024 Agreement Agreement extension 2023-2024
I BARI 01 Università degli Studi di Bari (mv) Gheorghe Solcan 2023-2024 Agreement Agreement extension 2023-2024
I BOLOGNA 01 Università di Bologna (mv) Veleşcu Elena 2014-2021 Agreement Useful info
Online nomination walkthrough
Info sheet
I CAMPOBA01 Università degli Studi del Molise Stoleru Vasile 2022-2028 Agreement Useful info
I CATANIA01 University of Catania Teodor Robu 2019-2021 Agreement
I CATANZA02 Università degli Studi Magna Græcia di Catanzaro Solcan Gheorghe 2014-2021 Agreement Registration guide for incoming students
Guide for incoming students
I CHIETI01 Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti Chiruţă Ciprian 2022-2024 Agreement Infosheet 2020
Guide for Erasmus students
I FIRENZE 01 Università degli Studi di Firenze Pop Ioan Mircea, Pop Cecilia 2014-2023 Agreement – Agreement extension 2022-2023
I MILANO01 Università degli Studi di Milano Radu-Gheorghe Roşca, Gheorghe Solcan 2014-2021 Agreement
I NAPOLI01 Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (mv) Solcan Gheorghe, Vulpe Vasile 2014-2021 Agreement Alte Useful info
I NAPOLI01 Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Răzvan-Mihail RADU-RUSU 2014-2021 Agreement
I PALERMO01 Università degli Studi di Palermo Filipov Feodor 2014-2021 Agreement
I PERUGIA01 Università degli Studi di Perugia Chiran Aurel 2014-2021 Agreement Fact Sheet
Alte Useful info
I SASSARI01 University of Sassari Bogdan Vlad Avarvarei, Elena Liliana Chelariu 2017-2022 Agreement
I UDINE01 Università degli Studi di Udine Daniel Bucur 2014-2021 Agreement More details
Study in Udine
I VITERBO01 Università degli Studi della Tuscia Lucia Draghia 2014-2021 Agreement
LT KAUNAS08 Kauno Kolegija Dascălu Doina-Mira 2014-2021 Agreement Useful info
LT VILNIUS10 Vilniaus Kolegija Radu-Gheorghe Roşca
Gheorghe Solcan
2022-2029 Agreement Deadlines
LV JELGAVA01 Latvia University of Agriculture Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2021 Agreement
MK TETOVO01 University of Tetova, Macedonia Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2023-2027 Agreement
NL DRONTEN01 AERES University of Applied Sciences (VHL) Elena Liliana Chelariu, Bogdan Vlad Avarvarei 2018-2022 Agreement AERES – Erasmus exchange possibilities 2023-2024
More details
NL VELP05 Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences (VHL) Stoleru Vasile
Radu-Rusu Răzvan
2022-2028 Agreement Useful info
P BRAGANC01 Instituto Politecnico de Bragança Avarvarei Bogdan 2014-2021 Agreement
P CASTELO01 Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco Elena Liliana Chelariu, Bogdan Vlad Avarvarei 2018-2021 Agreement
P LISBOA109 Universidade Técnica Lisboa Gheorghe Savuţa 2015-2020 Agreement
P VILA-RE01 Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Săvuţa Gheorghe 2014-2021 Agreement
PL CZESTOC01 Politechnika Czestochowska (Czestochowa University of Technology)
(Economie, Management si administrarea afacerilor, Biologie, Marketing)
Brezuleanu Stejărel 2022-2023 Agreement
PL KRAKOW06 Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie Radu Roşca, Gheorghe Solcan 2021-2027 Agreement
PL PRZEMYS02 Panstwowa Wyzsza Skola Wschodnioeuropejska w Przemyslu Teodor Robu 2016-2021 Agreement
PL RZESZOW02 Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Bucur Daniel 2014-2021 Agreement
PL LUBLIN04 Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
(University of Life Sciences in Lublin)
Gheorghe Solcan 2014-2023 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
Useful info
PL OLSZTYN01 University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) Lucia Draghia 2023 – 2024 Agreement 1 Agreement 2 Useful info
Agreement extension
PL TORUN01 Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika w Toruniu Bogdan Vlad Avarvarei, Elena Liliana Chelariu 2023-2029 Agreement
PL WARSZAW05 Warsaw University of Life Sciences Stejărel Brezuleanu, Mihaela Spataru 2021-2029 Agreement Useful info
PL WROCLAW04 Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences Florin-Daniel LIPŞA 2017-2021 Agreement Useful info
SK NITRA02 Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Donosă Dan (agricultură şi horticultură),
Donosă Raluca-Elena (zootehnie),
Solcan Gheorghe (medicină veterinară)
2014-2021 Agreement Useful info
SI MARIBOR01 University of Maribor Chiruţă Ciprian 2023-2024 Agreement Agreement extension 2023-2024
TR AFYON01 Afyon Kocatepe University Solcan Gheorghe 2023-2029 Agreement
TR AMASYA01 Amasya University Răzvan Radu-Rusu 2018-2021 Agreement
TR ANKARA01 Ankara University Solcan Gheorghe 2022-2028 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
TR ANTALYA01 Akdeniz Universitesi (fisheries) Gabriel Hoha 2022-2028 Agreement
TR ANTALYA01 Akdeniz Universitesi (Food processing) Radu Rosca 2022-2028  Agreement
TR ANTALYA01 Akdeniz Universitesi (Crop and livestock production) Radu Rosca 2022-2028  Agreement
TR ANTALYA03 Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (Agriculture) Radu Rosca 2022-2024  Agreement
TR ANTALYA03 Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (Food processing) Radu Rosca 2022-2024  Agreement
TR ANTALYA01 Akdeniz Universitesi
(agriculture, forestry, veterinary medicine)
Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2023 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
TR ANTALYA01 Akdeniz Universitesi (mecanizare) Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2021 Agreement
TR AYDIN01 Adnan Menderes Universitesi Avarvarei Bogdan-Vlad 2014-2021 Agreement
TR BALIKES01 Balikesir University Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2019-2021 Agreement
TR BAYBURT 01 Bayburt University Radu-Gheorghe Roşca, Gheorghe Solcan 2018-2021 Agreement
Bayburt University Gheorghe Solcan, Stejărel Brezuleanu 2023-2028 Agreement
TR BILECIK01 Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Radu-Gheorghe Roşca,
Liliana-Elena Chelariu
2019-2021 Agreement
TR BOLU01 Abant Izzet Baysal University Lipşa Florin-Daniel 2022-2029 Agreement Useful info
TR BURDUR01 Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Rosca Radu, Chelariu Liliana, Avarvarei Bogdan, Solcan Gheorghe 2023-2029 Agreement Useful info
TR BURSA01 Uludag Universitesi

Florin Lipşa, Gheorghe Solcan,

Elena Liliana Chelariu

2022-2029 Agreement
TR CANKIRI01 Cankiri Karatekin University Elena Liliana Chelariu 2014-2021 Agreement
TR DIYARBA01 Dicle University Bucur Daniel / Gheorghe Solcan 2014-2021 Agreement
TR ELAZIG01 Firat University Vulpe Vasile 2022-2029 Agreement Useful info about accommodation, transport and meals
TR ERZURUM01 Ataturk University Robu Teodor, Dascălu Doina-Mira, Solcan Gheorghe 2014-2021 Agreement
TR GAZIANT01 Gaziantep University Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2023-2029 Agreement
TR GIRESUN 01 Giresun University Culiţă Sîrbu 2016-2023 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
TR ISPARTA01 Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta Elena Liliana Chelariu 2014-2021 Agreement
TR ISPARTA02 Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi (Isparta University of Applied Sciences) Florin Lipşa (agricultură),
Elena Liliana Chelariu (horticultură)
2019-2021 Agreement
TR ISTANBU03 Istanbul University (piscicultură) Lenuţa Fotea 2014-2023 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
TR ISTANBU03 Istanbul University (medicină veterinară) Solcan Gheorghe 2022-2028 Agreement
TR ISTANBU07 Yildiz Technical University Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2023-2028 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
TR ISTANBU64 Istanbul University – Cerrahpașa (medicină veterinară) Solcan Gheorghe 2022-2024 Agreement
TR IZMIR02 Ege University (agricultură + horticultură) Liliana Chelariu, Avarvarei Bogdan Vlad 2022-2028 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
TR IZMIR02 Ege University (piscicultură) Avarvarei Bogdan Vlad 2022-2028 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
TR IZMIR02 Ege University (Prelucrarea produselor alimentare) Avarvarei Bogdan Vlad 2022-2028 Agreement Agreement extension 2022-2023
TR KASTAMO01 Kastamonu University Hoha Gabriel Vasile 2016-2021 Agreement
TR KIRKLAR01 Kirklareli University Avarvarei Simona 2014-2021 Agreement
TR KONYA01 Selcuk University Solcan Gheorghe 2023-2028 Agreement Agreement  extension 2022-2023
Info Sheet
TR MUGLA01 Mugla Sitki Koçman University (MSKU) Hoha Gabriel Vasile 2019-2021 Agreement
TR NIGDE01 “Omer Halisdemir” University
(vechea denumire: Nigde University)
Florin Lipşa 2014-2021 Agreement
TR OSMANIY01 Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Slabu Cristina 2014-2021 Agreement
TR RIZE01 Recep Tayyip Erdogan University (Inginerie, Biotehnologie) Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2023-2028 Agreement
TR RIZE01 Recep Tayyip Erdogan University (Horticultură) Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2023-2028 Agreement
TR SAMSUN01 Ondokuz Mayis University Gheorghe Solcan 2023-2029 Agreement Brochure
TR SANLIUR01 Harran University (medicină veterinară) Gheorghe Solcan, Mihai Musteaţă 2022-2029 Agreement
TR SANLIUR01 Harran University (agricultură) Florin-Daniel Lipşa 2018-2021 Agreement
TR SIVAS01 Sivas Cumhuriyet University Gheorghe Solcan 2021-2029 Agreement  
TR TRABZON04 Trabzon University Roxana Mihalache 2023-2029 Agreement
TR TUNCELI 01 Munzur University (fosta Tunceli University) Vasile Vulpe 2015-2021 Agreement Brochure
TR USAK 01 USAK University Ghoerghe Solcan 2023-2029 Agreement Brochure
English Course Catalogue
Info sheet
TR VAN01 Yüzüncü Yil University Van Gheorghe Solcan 2014-2021 Agreement
UK CHELMSF03 Writtle University College, Chelmsford Florin-Daniel LIPŞA 2018-2021 Agreement
UK LIVERPO01 University of Liverpool Gheorghe Solcan 2014-2021 Agreement
UK LEWES01 Plumpton College Liviu Irimia 2014-2021 Agreement
BG Companie Bulgaria Economic Forum Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2021 Agreement More Useful info
D Companie COBB Germany Avimex GMBH Gheorghe Savuţa 2014-2021 Agreement
D Companie Besamungsverein Neustadt a.d. Aisch e.V. Dan Drugociu 2014-2021 Agreement
GR Institut Mediteranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
(doar practică studenţi; nu au carta în E+)
Costel Samuil 2014-2021 Agreement
GR Companie Job Trust Radu Răzvan Rusu 2018-2021 Agreement Presentation
FR Companie UMS 28 – Phenotypage du Petit Animal, Paris, France Gheorghe Savuţa 2014-2021 Agreement
FR Companie Riviera Gardens EIRL Gheorghe Savuţa 2014-2021 Agreement
FR Laborator ANSES – Nancy laboratory for rabies and wildlife Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2021 Agreement
FR Laborator ANSES – Animal Health Laboratory Gheorghe Savuţa 2014-2021 Agreement
IT Companie Microspore S.p.A. Vasile Stoleru 2015-2021 Agreement
IT Institut Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante Vasile Stoleru 2015-2021 Agreement
NL Companie Uitziendgroep Sun-Power B.V. Vasile Stoleru 2016-2021 Agreement Presentation
UK Companie North West Academy of English Radu-Gheorghe Roşca 2014-2021 Agreement Brochure
More Useful info
Cost details for brokerage and other services

Other details

Success stories (incoming & outgoing students)

Outgoing student (in Madrid, September 2017 – January 2018)

Success story of Daniela Ioniţă. At the time of mobility the student was in the third year, attending the courses from Management in Public Alimentation and Agri-tourism.

Incoming students (from Cordoba and Napoli, 2012)

This video was made by three students from Cordoba and Naples who studied at USAMV Iasi with an Erasmus scholarship.
For this they received an award at the Erasmus event “15 years in Romania and 25 years in Europe” which took place in Bucharest on May 18, 2012.

Incoming students (from Napoli, 2016)

This video was made by Roberta Compare and Valeria Savoia, students at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in Italy, who were at USAMV Iasi (at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry) in January-April 2016, with an Erasmus+ Practice Mobility.
It was awarded at a photo contest organized by the Erasmus+ Office.

Internal addresses

Ministry of National Education

National Agency (ANPCDEFP)

External addresses

European Commission – Erasmus+ Programme

European Commission – EACEA


Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and International Relations
PhD, Prof. Liviu-Dan MIRON
Telephone: 0040 232 407.500
Telephone/Fax: 0040 232 407.413
E-mail: liviu.miron@iuls.ro

Institutional coordinator for student and staff mobility projects (KA131)
PhD, Assist. Prof. Claudia PÂNZARU
Telephone: 0040 232 407.582
E-mail: claudia.panzaru@iuls.ro

Erasmus+ Officer
Telephone: 0040 232 407.367
E-mail: erasmus@iuls.ro